Amygdala -- Part of your brain’s limbic system. You have one of these small bodies on each side of your brain. The amygdala notice the type and intensity of your emotions. And because of the close communication with a lower part of your brain (the RAS located down in your Brain Stem), it naturally places an automatic emphasis on threats to your well being. The amygdala can also be re-focused onto your positive goals using the methods presented in the "Become All You Can Be" training program.
Anchoring – The conscious or unconscious creation of an automatic association between an external action or event, and a personal signal to yourself that the event or action is occurring, or is imminent. For example, you might have created an unconscious anchor between the smell of cookies baking and being at your Grandmother’s house. Anchoring can be used to associate being relaxed (the Alpha brainwave state) with a silent "anchor phrase" such as "Just let go." If practices, the anchor phrase will then create the desired relaxation on its own.
Beliefs -- Habit-based thoughts that are normally not subject to logic or conscious control.
Brain stem – The lowest and oldest portion of your brain that connects to the spinal cord.
Brainwave training – A method of encouraging your brain to duplicate a specific brainwave frequency (such as Alpha) using visual and/or auditory stimulation. On a professional level – the intent is to actually train the brain to duplicate beneficial mental states on its own. On a recreational level – this does not include the “training” emphasis.
Cerebral cortex (cortex) – The outermost layer of your brain responsible for higher mental functions such as thinking and reasoning. Often called your “thinking cap” because it is stretched over the remainder of the brain like a swimming “cap.”
Comfort zone – A lifestyle based on focusing on and repeating habits that are “comfortable” because they are well-established and familiar.
DNA – DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in the cells of humans and almost all other organisms.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – An energy psychology technique developed by Gary Craig, a personal trainer. EFT works by accessing the Meridian System common to ancient Chinese medicine. The basic method involves touching or tapping on key meridian points on the body, much like acupressure.
Energy psychology -- Refers to several modern bioenergy methods based on the Chinese Meridian System of medicine. Focuses on how our physiological energy systems relate to our emotions, thinking, behavior and health. Energy psychology is used by energy psychology practitioners to relieve mental health challenges by eliminating emotional traumas or blockages from the mind/body continuum.
Epigenetics - Literally means “control above the genes,” and tells us that instead of our genes automatically determining “who we are” – our genetic makeup is constantly being remodeled in response to our life experiences, thoughts and emotions.
False memory – A false memory is a memory which is a distortion of an actual experience, or often a combination of a real and an imagined memory. Many false memories involve confusing or mixing fragments of memory events, some of which may have happened at different times but which are remembered as occurring together. Some false memories involve treating dreams as if they were playbacks of real experiences. For example: You might have a memory of your mother throwing a glass of milk on your brother, when in fact it was your brother who threw the milk. Distortions such as switching the roles of people in one's memory are quite common.
Field theory -- Field theory is a psychological theory which examines patterns of interaction between an individual and the total surrounding field, or environment. The concept was first developed by Kurt Lewin, a Gestalt psychologist, in the 1940s and 1950s.
Future memory -- A mental picture of you in the future.Future memory mental imaging is actually “seeing” into the future. But instead of your brain interpreting light being reflected off an object – you’re seeing a future memory of yourself performing some action, or achieving some desired goal or state of being.
Genetic blueprint – The combination of genes (genetic materials) contributed by your parents to your personal "gene pool."
Glial cells – The second of the two most common cells found in your brain. Primarily responsible for providing the brain’s physical structure. Also provides the basis of communications channels such as the corpus collosum connecting the two halves of the brain.
Hippocampus – The portion of your brain located in the central limbic system that is responsible for the assembly of memories, and the storage of your memories in the appropriate parts of your cortex.
Limbic center – The primary “home” of your emotions located in the center of your brain, and also involved in the formation of memories. Includes several brain structures, including the hippocampus and amygdala.
Motivation -- The mental/emotional process that initiates, guides and maintains your goal-oriented behaviors.
Motor cortex – The portion of your brain’s cortex that controls your ability to physically move your body.
Neuro feedback – Use of a modern EEG to collect and display a person’s brainwaves on a device such as a computer monitor. The intent is to allow the individual (or a therapist) to monitor how physical and mental changes alter brainwaves (mental states).
Neurons – One of the two most common cells of the brain (and nervous system), and responsible for the biochemical/electrical ability of the brain to collect, store and process information about one’s internal and external environment. The medium on which thoughts are generated and moved through the nervous system.
Neural network – Webs of interconnected neurons created by the brain to process and/or store memories, thoughts and responses.
Quantum science – A scientific field of study of the physical and energetic interactions occurring at the atomic and subatomic level. The study of molecules, atoms, electrons, positrons and other subatomic particles and energy systems.
Reframe – The process of consciously changing the personal meaning or interpretation of an event or memory.
Reticular Activating System (RAS) -- Your amygdala receives its sensory information from a portion of your brain stem called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS acts as a primary filter for all of your incoming sensory input about the world outside of your body. It looks at what’s happening around you, and filters out and identifies what is feels is important enough to send up to your higher brain centers such as the cortex and amygdala.
Self-actualization -- Refers to the desire for self-fulfillment – the motivation to achieve one’s true potential, or the desire to become all one is capable of being.
Subconscious – The portion of your mind that is generally below conscious awareness. Believed to be the storehouse of all of your lifetime of memories, and to automatically control the majority of your thoughts and actions.
Substitute Neural Association Programming (SNAP) – A brain-based mental reconditioning system first developed by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler.
Super-conscious – The higher state of consciousness that allows one to experience, contemplate, and assign meaning to out-of-the-ordinary experiences such as instant understanding and mystical/religious insights.
Visual cortex – The portion of your brain’s cerebral cortex dedicated to the process of receiving incoming visual input from the eyes, and subsequently interpreting these signals.